Annual Membership Renewal, Unit Renewal, and Program Fees
The New Renewal System Basics:
- All Membership are from the month of registration to 12 months later. Scouting America does not use a pro-rated membership year.
For example, joining 8/3/2024 will mean your active membership year is 8/1/2024 to 7/31/2025.You will renew again on 7/31/2025.
All members that renewed 12/31/2023 will have an annual 12/31 expiration date in the future. - An email notification and a renewal link will be sent 60 days before Membership expires. The link provided in the email will direct individuals to a renewal form on My.Scouting. Sign in to My.Scouting and complete your registration.
Need Help? Most questions about renewal can be answered by your District Commissioner or District Executive. Please see chart below for contact information.
Click HERE for recording of October 30th Live Training on Zoom with GGAC Council Commissioner Michael Allison. PASSCODE to open = CYWa^P4x

Scouting America National Job Aids
Click on the links below to open PDF documents with step-by-step guides | Watch the videos to get a quick overview
Program Fees

Effective April 1, 2024, Scouting America eliminated the the $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts.