Hiking Programs
Trail Trekkers
The Golden Gate Area Council Trail Trekkers Program offers a series of hikes which are located throughout the San Francisco Bay Area that can be completed by Cub Scout age youth from 6-11 years old and their families. These are opportunities for outdoor adventures for all levels of fitness and ability.
Patches may be obtained at the Pleasant Hill, Pleasanton, Fairfield, and Alameda Scout Shops or by completing and returning the Trail Trekkers Order Form to the GGAC Service Center.
BSA Presidio Historic Trail Program

The Presidio of San Francisco Historic Trail hike was established in 1965 and has over 27 points of historic interest in which to visit. The Historic Trail Program also included a stop at the Rob Hill campsite that was provided to Scouting by the Army following World War II. The patch is a distinctive round Award featuring a Spanish Captain in helmet. The shorter Cub Scout Trail day hike was established with its own patch featuring the view of the Golden Gate Bridge in the early 1980’s.
Cub Scout Historic Trail (approximately three and one-half miles)
Begin at Presidio Museum (originally an Army Hospital), and proceed southwest on Funston Avenue. Turn right and head northwest on Moraga Avenue, passing the Officers Club.
Turn right at the Flag Pole, observing the old cannons and the original Spanish Presidio Fort. Visit the Visitors Center on the Main Parade Ground (restrooms and interesting exhibits here).
Turn left on Sheridan Avenue, proceed west to Lincoln Blvd. Stop at San Francisco National Cemetery for prayer or meditation and acknowledgement of deceased veterans serving to our country.
Continue west on Lincoln Blvd., turn right on Crissy Field Avenue. Continue west on Crissy Field Avenue, underneath Doyle Drive Freeway, until it rejoins Lincoln Blvd.
Continue north on Lincoln Blvd., then turn right to hike north on Long Avenue and Marine Drive following the bay coast into Fort Point National Historic Site.
After visiting Fort Point (interesting exhibits and films here, and great views underneath the Golden Gate Bridge), hike south up to the Golden Gate Bridge Visitors Center.
Continue west, then southwest on Coastal Trail past the old cannon batteries on the western side of the Presidio. Hike south until you reach Battery Chamberlain, where Cub Scout pack members may be picked up by automobile at this point (Boy Scout hike continues as described below).
Boy Scout Historic Trail
Return from Battery Chamberlain hiking north on Coastal Trail to Lincoln Blvd.
Cross over Lincoln Blvd. and see West Coast World War II memorial.
Continue north until trail on right enters Fort Winfield Scott.
Continue to the right on Ralston Avenue, with the option of entering Fort Winfield Scott fields, then continue north on Ralston Avenue as it loops around Fort Winfield Scott.
Turn left on Storey Avenue, then turn right and continue northeast on Lincoln Avenue.
After going underneath U.S. 101 on Lincoln Avenue, turn left to hike toward Golden Gate Bridge Visitor Center.
After stopping for restrooms and Visitor Center, hike 2.2 miles across Golden Gate Bridge. Troop may be picked up by automobile at Marin County Vista Point at the north end of the bridge (eastern side of U.S. 101 freeway, free direction for automobiles traveling from San Francisco into Marin County).
50 Miler

For Scouts BSA, Venturers, and Sea Scouts, there is the 50-Miler Award available through National
The award recognizes Scouts and Scouters who cover a trail or canoe or boat route of not less than 50 consecutive miles; take a minimum of five consecutive days to complete the trip without the aid of motors.
The patches are available at any Scout Shop. Complete the 50-Miler Award Form and submit it to one of the Golden Gate Area Council offices.
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