Toys for Tots
Pack 225’s Amazing 2021 Toys for Tots Collection Drive
Pack 225 was able to do their usual Marines Toys for Tots toy drive this year at Glorietta Elementary School in Orinda. Principal Lewis announced the toy drive in her weekly message, and Cubs and leaders were at the school during the morning carpools on Dec. 8, 9, and 10.

The Friday drive yielded a huge trove of toys, which took up an entire pickup truck on their way to our Pack meeting on Dec. 14 at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church. We had contacted the Moraga Police Department because they were a Toys for Tots collection center, and they volunteered to send a pair of officers to attend our Pack meeting. They explained how the Department is organized, and answered many questions from the Cubs. The toys were then loaded into their police car and the truck – there were too many to fit in the police car! The Cubs were delighted when they turned on the emergency lights on the car – very bright in the darkness! The toys they could not take were delivered to the station the next morning, and there were so many they ran out of collection bins. MPD expressed their thanks for helping with the Toys for Tots event, and asked it we could do it again next year – and we will!